
How to handle stress

If you are learning, you must be uncomfortable.

Change and improvement is not comfortable. Learning may prompt you to question yourself, your motivations and your identity. It may stir up feelings of anxiety, frustration, vulnerability, fear, inadequacy and self-doubt. These feelings can be powerful if you do not have experience with topics that involve independent study.

Please remember that other learners and I are just like you. All of us are all learning. We want to help you and we also want help.

Some people you encounter as a learner are already working as professional web application developers. Don’t let that intimidate you. Instead, ask them for help and try to learn from them. They will benefit from answering your questions. [1]

If you are new to programming, please know that I am impressed by your efforts and bravery. We are all learning, and I look forward to helping you: please remember that other learners and I are here to help you. Do not be embarrassed to ask questions: by asking questions, you are showing how much you want to learn.

If you find that you are experiencing personal or emotional struggles, there are resources available for you. If you are a student, your university is likely to provide free counseling. You can also speak to friends and professionals (even though they are not trained counselors, they will have experienced similar feelings). Seeking help when you need it is a sign of you growing as a professional: it shows that you are aware of your weaknesses and that you are willing to improve.

1. In latin, docendo discimus: meaning “by teaching, we learn”.